

What Do Your Wedding Flowers Say About You?

Choosing just the right flowers for your wedding can be challenging. Brides find themselves calculating the costs or trying to decide which flowers best fit the overall theme of the wedding. Throughout history brides have also chosen flowers based on the flowers’ traditional meanings, and though most brides don’t take the time to worry about this anymore, it can be a fun way to add deeper meaning and symbolism to your wedding.

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

The Bridal Bouquet
Perhaps the best modern day example of a bride following in this tradition is Kate Middleton and her bridal bouquet of hyacinth (meaning constancy of love or playful), lily-of-the-valley (meaning trustworthy), Sweet William (meaning gallantry and obviously a nod to her groom), ivy (meaning friendship, affection, fidelity) and myrtle from Queen Victoria’s 170-year-old garden. Myrtle is an emblem of love and marriage.

You can put just as much thought into your own bouquet without being a duchess. By including a list of your flowers and their meanings in your program, you can let all your guests in on the meaning of each flower in your bouquet.

The Groom’s Boutonnière
I’ve found that most grooms don’t have much of an opinion on the wedding flowers, but if your groom is one that does, then you might ask him to select a flower for his boutonniere that best fits his feelings for you, his bride, or for the wedding in general.

The Bridesmaids’ Bouquets
Overall, you will probably want your bridesmaids’ bouquets to look similar to each other, but you could include a particular flower to include in the arrangement that specifically represents each person. Again, most guests won’t notice this, so you will probably want to add this to your program. (For example: Julie is my sister and dearest friend. Gardenia has been added to her bouquet to represent the source of joy she has been in my life.)

Bouquets in Honor of Loved Ones
This can be as simple as placing a bouquet in the honorary seat of someone who has passed on – a parent or grandparent who is dearly missed. Perhaps, an arrangement including forget-me-not would be appropriate or zinnia which means “thoughts of absent friends” or “lasting affection.”

These are just a few ways to personalize your wedding by choosing flowers based on their meaning.